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A Low Fat Keto
Weight Loss Program

Pharmalife Pharmacy is proud to have an authorized Ideal Protein Weight Management Clinic.
A medically developed 3 Phase Protocol that starts with RESETTING your body to burn fat and ends with long term maintenance support. We understand keeping it off can be the hardest Part.
Weight Management and Healthy Living
Whether you are currently suffering from health issues or you are at risk or concerned about potential health problems in the future due to being overweight or obese or maybe you just want to generally feel better, we are excited to introduce you to the Ideal Protein Weight Loss protocol. We use it as part of our Health and Wellness services.
Core Principles of Ideal Protein
Ideal Protein is a medically developed ketogenic weight loss protocol overseen by our qualified medical professionals ensuring the best and safest results. We understand that quick fix ‘diets’ don’t work long term. The Ideal Protein weight loss protocol is a 3 Phase program with a beginning, a middle and an end.
We understand that an over production of insulin is the real culprit when it comes to fat storage and by reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein intake we can induce the body to use its fat stores for fuel. A state called ketosis. When in ketosis the body turns stored fat into
ketones that the body uses for fuel which leads to safe and efficient weight loss.
One of the keys to our success is the one-on-one coaching our clients receive each week. Having a coach guide our clients through the program, motivating, encouraging customizing what their diet should look like long term is a proven strategy in helping our clients to lose weight and keep it off.
Coaches work with clients to educate how body fat is burned through ketosis, the relationship between insulin and weight gain, foods best for weight management, and how the combinations of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins work in the body.
Please contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can support you.
Reset BODY. Reset MIND. Reset POSSIBLE.
With the 3-Phase Ideal Protein Protocol.
Phase 1
By restricting carbohydrate intake, the Weight Loss Phase is designed to optimize fat loss through ketosis (a safe and natural state in which the body mobilizes stored fat as its alternative energy source). You’ll remain in Phase 1 until you have reached your weight loss goal.
Phase 2
Following weight loss, the body fights to regain lost weight. This “energy gap”, where more calories are desired than required, makes weight loss difficult to manage and maintain. Stabilization is about narrowing this gap by adjusting the intake of protein/fat/carbs to effectively manage hunger, promote greater satiety and maintain weight loss. Weekly follow-up sessions over the course of two months or more are designed to monitor carbohydrate reintroduction and track weight.

Phase 3
For the first 12 months following Stabilization, you will continue to receive education and support from your coach and clinic. It’s also recommended to “check in” regularly with your coach during this period. In addition, you will also have the option to stay connected to your coach and clinic through the app and Wi-Fi scale. For all of those in Maintenance, two semi-annual “tune-ups” are strongly encouraged.

All the POWER you need to lose
weight exists inside you.

I'm proud that I committed to my Amazing Transformation because I now have an unstoppable energy and a belief in myself that I can accomplish anything! I feel better now at 61 than I did at 16 years old! I feel that the Ideal Protein program and my team at Barnes Chiropractic Health & Fitness have been a gift from God that has given me a new life!

I would tell my mom that I cannot let you be afraid that you’re going to lose me…. I knew that (Ideal Protein) was the answer I needed so that I could tell my mother that she didn’t have to worry about me anymore.
Ideal protein, weight loss, ketodiet, keto, diet,weight management, weight loss west vancouver, weight loss north vancouver, low fat keto, jenny craige, dr.bernstein, Dr. Bernstein Diet & Health Clinics, fat burner, fat loss,